
One Print for One Case

As part of Europe's deterrence and containment policy the Greek government is increasingly charging fees for the individual steps of the asylum procedure, hindering asylum seekers from access to their basic human rights!

With just one print you enable one person to overcome this hurdle - One Print for One Case. Because a fair asylum procedure is a human right - not a privilege!

Financed (68/75)

Deterrence as a strategy

The situation for asylum seekers on the Greek islands is precarious. For tactical reasons, they are increasingly being denied access to basic human rights. They live isolated, sometimes imprisoned, without access to educational opportunities, sufficient food, provisions, legal support, and hope.

Administrative fees as obstacles

The Greek government has begun to charge fees of 100€ for the individual steps of the asylum procedure. If asylum seekers want to have their case reassessed or, if the decision is positive and they want to receive their documents, they are required to pay 100€. For the vast majority of asylum seekers, procuring these funds is an impossibility!

Our Solution

We produce unique lino prints to fund this fee.

The SKILLS FACTORY team has joined forces to find a creative solution to help the community. The solution: We produce individual linocuts, which we sell and ship to you for a donation of 100€. This allows us to directly finance such fees on a case-by-case basis.

ONE print for ONE case


Join us!

Do you want to support our art? - Provide a platform for their messages!

Organize an exhibition

Are you as enthusiastic about our art as we are? - Fantastic!

Organize a One for One exhibition and create space for the creative, honest, and meaningful messages of our artists.

This exhibition offers the perfect opportunity to educate a wide audience about the situation at Europe's borders and to give a voice to the skills, dreams and messages of affected people.

Interested? Contact us now! We look forward to hearing from you!


Get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns: